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Sonic the Hedgehog

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:51 am
by Shane

So, Sharkis picked up Sonic the Hedgehog for his PS3. I had the 360 version before, and I have to say, you can tell a huge difference. The game is much more vibrant, there's more particle effects and the controls are tighter (although on both versions, the controls take getting used to). What I never noticed about this game before though, is how difficult the game play is, but in a good way. We just wasted two hours away in front of the screen playing multiplayer, we're on Flame Core right now and we're probably gonna waste more time away on it right now. I will post again after we play.
So, as you can tell, Sharkis and I updated the layout to match the forums. We may impliment some more user functionality within the site, but who knows? We could just undercut your expectations and never do any great things we say. That's all dependent on our laziness. We'll be posting more content soon too, hopefully, and I'm in debate keeping the Sonic Fan Games Archive alive. More updates will be posted within the next few days.