Game Off 2018 - Hard Mode

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Game Off 2018 - Hard Mode


from the probably-going-to-fail-to-follow-through department

It's here. And has been, for 6 days. The GitHub Game Off kicked off with the theme of "Hybrid," and we're entered! Stay tuned for dev updates, vague screenshots, pictures of monitors with code on them, and copious empty caffeine receptacles!


My (very rough) idea of a hybrid game is one I've been carrying around for a while. A golf game with combat-style antagonistic features. You'll see. Do you have any ideas? Comment below!

Development update, 20 November: We have installed Unity and run through the tutorials. Looks like my recent retraining on C-family languages is going to pay off. This weekend I'll probably try to work on the simple mechanics of the golf game, before we really try to add value to it.

Development update, 25 November: It's crunch time! Last week for the game jam. Time to spruce up the assets and clean up the embarrassing code.

Development update, 30 November: I'm not going to make it... too many things left on the table, including designing maps, multiplayer code, etc. But I've loved this project so much I'm going to continue it and try to release it. So out of the ashes of Game Off 2018 will come... something. I don't name my projects until the end.

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