Games We're Playing, June 2017 Edition

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Games We're Playing, June 2017 Edition


What we're playing:

RimWorld, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Wargame: Red Dragon

Games we wish we could play (cause we paid for them and can't run them well enough to enjoy):

Astroneer, Space Engineers


I feel like I've been caught in the casual gaming web. RimWorld's visuals and soundtrack make it seem like it's something I could have on in the background, but this is definitely not the case. From my playthroughs, it requires a LOT of attention. The concept of the storyteller is great, I really feel like it lets me have enough breathing room to learn about the game while also preventing it from becoming boring at all.

Astroneer looks like it would be just great to WATCH someone play, with its great colorful visuals and atmospheric music. I can play it when it's turned all the way down, but then I have another problem. I've been following the devs on facebook and they post every now and then about new team members and updates, but I'm still not really finding a strong "drive." I understand it's survival and you have to make your own priorities, but I think it's a bit too easy right now, so it just becomes a game of what area or tech you want to grind at this moment.

Space Engineers looks amazing to me, and I have sunk hours watching people play on twitch or YouTube, but any kind of violence (I'm guessing it's actually voxel destruction) causes the game to crash on my hideously deficient PC. Updates still seem to be coming, so I'm hoping I can catch up before the game starts waning.

Games I WISH I was playing:

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - My God.

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Re: Games We're Playing, June 2017 Edition


And here I am playing Oblivion…

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